Friday, February 13, 2015

Finally obtained a copy of my police report

After two and a half months of trying their hardest to prevent me from obtaining the police report that I am legally entitled to see to prepare my defense, the state attorney's office finally gave me a copy of it. Here it is.

There are fewer lies than the last police report I read, but that's mostly just because the officer kept it short. Here are the discrepancies between the police report and what actually happened:

"he was observed and heard protesting inside the Mall". I was not heard protesting in the mall, because I was standing silently with a sign, not speaking.

I was not escorted out by "Security Officers". I was escorted out by one security guard.
The officer's description of me as "in the center of the Mall entrance way" is almost accurate. I have marked on a google street view photo the exact location I was in when they approached and arrested me:

The black X is where they first approached me and arrested me, the red X is where the original security guard escorted me to and told me was off mall property. As you can see, I was on the sidewalk and not blocking traffic. Some traffic did slow down to watch the arrest happen, but .traffic was never blocked except for when the officers walked across the road to reach me.

The officers did NOT identify themselves as law enforcement, and instead immediately asked for my name/ID. they did NOT tell me I was trespassing, and they certainly didn't tell me I was blocking traffic as they hadn't decided on that lie yet. The male officer, who I believe is the one who wrote the report as he is the one who actually arrested me, grabbed my arms and tried to steal my phone as soon as he arrived, without identifying himself, telling me why he was trying to steal my phone, or telling me I was under arrest. When he would not stop trying to steal my phone, I had to ask him if I was under arrest, at which point he said yes and I stopped trying to prevent him from taking my phone.

My next court date is on Thursday, 3/5.

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